November 5, 2007

Still Alive

Sorry I haven't written sooner, and please forgive me for spelling and grammar errors as I don't have much time to post this brief, but well needed, update. I am alive and well, as well as everyone else that's with me. Frequent power outages and lack of internet connection have hindered my attempt to post something sooner. I've got lots of great stories that I'm looking forward to sharing but will have to postpone them for now. I can send and receive text messages if you need to get in touch with me, however cell service is limited in most areas where I'm staying and charging my phone also presents a challenge. I have seen many things and am forever changed... that said I'm excited to share more with all of you when I have more time.


1 comment:

aL said...

It sounds as if your journey has been everything you had hoped for so far, eye opening and life changing. For that I am very happy.